Long-Term Care Issues in Illinois Divorces

Divorce Lawyers Serving Wheaton, Naperville, and DuPage County Clients Over Age 50
In any divorce, there is going to be a wide variety of issues to address and disputes to resolve. Some of them can be resolved fairly easily, while others may require serious negotiations or litigation. For a couple who gets divorced in their 20s or 30s, these issues typically include concerns such as the division of marital property and the allocation of parental responsibilities. When a couple gets divorced in their 50s and beyond, however, health-related considerations tend to take on increased importance.
One example of this is the issue of long-term care. If you are an older adult who is considering a divorce, you may have a current need for long-term care, or you may anticipate needing long-term care in the foreseeable future. Whatever your needs may be, the experienced divorce attorneys at Goostree Law Group are equipped to help you address them, so that you can enjoy the security and peace of mind that you deserve during and after your divorce.
Who Will Help You Make Decisions?
If you have been with your spouse for many years, a divorce is likely to mean that you are losing your primary health advocate. For those with long-term or chronic health issues, this reality can be incredibly daunting. During your marriage, your spouse may have helped you make appointments, driven you to and from your doctor's office, and assisted you in making important decisions about your health. After you get divorced, you will need to figure out who will step into that role for you.
The compassionate attorneys at Goostree Law Group will sit down with you to discuss your health care needs, including your need for a health advocate. We can help you understand your options and work with you in having these important conversations with your children, friends, or loved ones about your long-term care.
Long-Term Care Insurance
Our lawyers realize that long-term care also costs real money. Throughout the divorce process, we will do everything we can to ensure that you receive an equitable share of the marital estate, including any assets you and your spouse have set aside for retirement. We will also explore the possibility of spousal maintenance. These considerations are important, of course, but in many cases, the specific topic of long-term care insurance will need to be addressed.
Long-term care insurance is a specialized type of insurance that provides coverage for health issues that require ongoing care—including those that require nursing home stays. It is important to understand that long-term care insurance will generally offer coverage that is not available or that is limited in standard health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid plans.
At our firm, we understand the importance of including long-term care considerations in your divorce settlement agreement. Your agreement should specify how the costs of long-term care insurance are to be shared. In addition, you and your spouse should also determine how you will split any health-related expenses that are not covered by your long-term care insurance. Our attorneys can help you address all issues related to long-term care so that you fully understand your responsibilities for the future.
Call 630-634-5050 Today
For more information about addressing long-term care in your divorce, contact our office. Call 630-634-5050 to schedule a free consultation with an elder divorce lawyer from Goostree Law Group. Our team serves clients in Wheaton, Downers Grove, Naperville, St. Charles, Elgin, Batavia, DuPage County, Kane County, and the surrounding areas.