2100 Manchester Road, Suite 908, Wheaton, IL 60187
How to Start Over After Divorce in Your 50s, 60s and Older

DuPage County Lawyers for Clients Going Through Divorce Later in Life
When a person in their 20s or early 30s gets divorced, he or she may experience a number of challenges, but the divorce often provides a new beginning for a happier, healthier life. For a person who is age 50 or older, it is often much more difficult to feel hopeful about starting over again after a divorce. Instead, it is not uncommon for an older person facing divorce to be practically consumed with fear and uncertainty over a variety of concerns, including being alone for the first time in many years and having enough resources for retirement.
At Goostree Law Group, our experienced divorce attorneys understand that getting divorced in your 50s can leave you wondering how you are possibly going to start over. We have the knowledge, experience, and tools to help you manage your situation and to address any personal, financial, logistical, and practical worries that you might have. If you are over 50 and are facing a divorce, we are ready and willing to provide the guidance you need.
Starting Over Financially
Money is often a serious consideration in a divorce for a couple of any age, but for a couple over the age of 50, it is especially concerning. Perhaps the most important thing you can do is to prioritize your long-term financial health throughout the divorce process. You are going to need money to support yourself, and you will no longer have your spouse's income on which to rely. During your divorce negotiations, you can explore the possibility of spousal maintenance, but with retirement on the horizon, maintenance might not be a long-term solution. You are also entitled to an equitable share of the marital assets that you and your spouse have accumulated. In most situations, your share should be enough to at least give you something to start with as you move forward.
Depending on your circumstances, you may need to go back to work after your divorce—possibly for the first time in your life. For someone who has been out of the workforce for many years or who has never worked outside the home, the idea of finding a job may be daunting. You might not even know where to start.
At Goostree Law Group, our compassionate lawyers will help you understand today's employment landscape, including the job market and the most common hiring and recruitment processes used by employers. We can also put you in touch with resources in your community that offer job training or education programs that could allow you to obtain a better-paying job than you might have thought possible as an older divorcee. Your new employment could become a source of pride and help you build an identity as a strong, competent individual.
Starting Over Personally
Having enough money for the future is extremely important, but it is often only part of the equation for an older adult who is going through a divorce. If you are like many such people, you might be facing the idea of being alone for the first time in many years. Not only will you soon be without your spouse but your children may be grown and moved out as well, possibly leaving you feeling quite isolated and lonely.
According to most experts, it is a good idea to find new ways to socialize and to "put yourself out there" to a certain extent during and after your divorce. This does not mean you should jump back into dating again if you are not ready, but it does mean you should give yourself an alternative to sitting at home by yourself. You might consider volunteering at a local animal shelter or participating in clean-up efforts in local parks. For some people, getting more involved in church-related activities may be an option. Meet new people, make new friends, or reconnect with friends you may have lost touch with over the years. There are many ways to rebuild socially and personally after a divorce, and our team can help you consider them throughout the process.
Call 630-634-5050 for Help
For more information about starting over after divorce in your 50s, 60s and beyond, contact our office. Call 630-634-5050 to schedule a free consultation with a skilled member of the team at Goostree Law Group today. Our firm serves clients in Wheaton, Naperville, St. Charles, DuPage County, Kane County, Kendall County and throughout Northern Illinois.